I’m sharing my personal wishlist for next Sunday, in case you need ideas for yours. (We have a history of last minute shopping for holidays). Of course, it’s a mix of old & new.
Urban Stems— you can’t go wrong.

Funny and charming cards with personality. (Nathalie’s Picks) Click photo for links.
Start Mother’s Day off on the right foot:

2.) Arizona Birkenstock Sheepskin Slipper

3.) Vince Fairley Leather Slide Sandal

I love these brands for their sophisticated and simple beachy designs. I am linking their websites, because they both have so many great pieces… I couldn’t just pick one thing.
1.) Martha Calvo

2.) James Michelle


2.) Lou & Grey Terry Sweatpants

Perfume: (my top two)

2.) Byredo Blanche Eau de Parfum

Modern Glassware:
1.) Fish’s Eddy Garden Variety Pack

2.) Fish’s Eddy Old Fashioned Cocktail Glasses

Vintage Wine Glasses:
1.) French Crystal Wine Glasses with Family Crest

2.) Vintage Crystal Needle Etched Wine Glasses

1.) Fish’s Eddy Art Pallet Coaster

Dish Towel:
1.) Fish’s Eddy Graphic “No Maid Service”

Vintage Ceramic Pitchers:
A classic– these antique Ironstone pitchers are practical, and always collectable.
1.) Mini Vintage Ironstone Pitcher

2.) Large Ironstone Pitcher (Plain)

3.) Large Ironstone Pitcher (With Frills)

Sea Tulip Pots:

Antique Trophy Cups for Vases:
1.) Vintage 1978 English Motoring Trophy

2.) Antique 1920s Rugby Trophy

Home Scents:
1.) Mathilde Fleur De Coton Home Fragrance
I would stockpile these when we traveled to Zurich, but I recently found them on Amazon and couldn’t be more excited! They are ceramic tea cookies with the most beautiful scents (even if this specific one is sold out, any of the Mathilde collection scents are worth it). Place these little squares inside dresser drawers, armoires, or on windowsills for a subtle, unique scent.

2.) Hearth & Hand Juniper Water And Aloe Candle

For quick access to the Old Silver Shed Amazon picks, go to:
To all the Mothers out there– enjoy your day off!

#Flowers #Birkenstocks #GreetingCards #VinceFairley #MarthaCalvo #LouGrey #RamonMonegalAgarMusk #ByredoBlanche #FishsEddyGardenVarietyPack #HearthHandJuniperWaterandAloeCandle #MathildeFleurDeCottonHomeFragrance #AntiqueTrophies #SeaTulipPot #IronstonePitcher